About the gastric balloon
The gastric balloon is one of the modern and most effective non-surgical methods for getting rid of excess weight or obesity, and since it is a non-surgical method, many people turn to it;
Since it helps to lose weight while maximizing comfort, a specific diet should be followed by the attending physician.
The gastric balloon operation aims to lose weight by feeling full by eating small amounts of food without the need to overeat, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the body and causes weight gain.
The gastric balloon operation is suitable for people whose BMI ranges between 30-35, meaning that they are overweight and not obese whose BMI is more than 35,
Sometimes the stomach balloon operation is performed as a first step to lose weight before undergoing surgical slimming operations, and it must be at least 18 years old.
The mechanism of using the gastric balloon or gastric capsule
The balloon capsule is used in the following way:
- The balloon capsule is attached to a small catheter bag containing distilled water.
Then the patient swallows the capsule of the medicine through a small tube with an external catheter bag, like any other medicine.
- Distilled water is pumped after entering the capsule and settled in the stomach to increase the size of the balloon
Then the tube connected to the bag is easily removed through the mouth.
Thus, the balloon remains in a small size that fills the stomach space.
- Thus, the doctor advises to reduce the amount of food eaten, which increases the rapid feeling of satiety,
The rate of calories entering the body decreases, and thus the person loses weight.
- After about four months, the balloon is automatically and gradually emptied of the water and the body gets rid of it as it turns into a thin envelope.
Advantages of the gastric balloon capsule operation in Egypt
- One of the most prominent features of the gastric balloon operation is the ability of patients to return to their normal activity within a day or two,
However, some people may experience nausea, abdominal cramping, and sometimes vomiting after placing the balloon.
In most cases, these symptoms are well controlled using standard medications prescribed by your physician.
In addition, there is periodic follow-up with the doctor and the specialized team within 6 months to ensure that they reach the target weight loss.
It is also an easy and quick way, as it does not require the patient to be admitted to the hospital for recovery, or without the need for anesthesia.
– You do not need an endoscope when inserting or removing it, unlike other methods such as the air gastric balloon, for example.
- Patients lose up to 50% of their excess weight within four months.
- Patients receive a smart weight scale and an app to monitor body composition throughout and beyond the program.
- The capsule helps you control your eating habits by eating small amounts of food and not feeling hungry,
Giving you the ability to control your weight in the long run.
- It helps to get rid of many diseases that the patient suffers from before performing this technique
Such as lowering blood sugar in addition to lowering blood pressure as well as reducing blood cholesterol.
Stomach capsule cost in Egypt
Like any operation or surgery, its cost depends on the name of the doctor himself and his experience, especially because this type of surgery requires high accuracy, i.e. a qualified and experienced doctor,
In addition to the cost of anesthesia, an overnight hospital stay or more after the procedure,
The type of balloon used, medications and medical drugs used before and after the operation,
In addition to some medical examinations and x-rays that the patient may need to perform before the operation.
The gastric balloon is also the latest technology in slimming
Within a few months, a person gets rid of his excessive obesity,
The speed of the result is another reason why its costs are high.
It is reported that the gastric balloon operation is one of the least expensive weight-loss operations because it is non-surgical.
It is performed laparoscopically, and it does not often require general anesthesia, and local anesthesia can be sufficient, which is less expensive.