مضاعفات عملية تحويل المسار

Gastric bypass surgery reduces the stomach, which is followed by reducing the amount of food that the individual needs to feel satisfied and full, and bypassing part of the small intestine, which means that food is not absorbed by a large percentage, including fats and starches, which prevents the formation of more fat in the body.

Gastric bypass surgery is designed for patients who depend for their food on sweets, chocolate, soft drinks, ice cream and all foods that are quickly absorbed by the body. this type of patients, only the gastric bypass is suitable for them, because it reduces the absorption of food, follow the article to learn about complications Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery

Complications of gastric bypass surgery 

- Leaking from the stomach after surgery
- A collection of blood or a twisting of the intestine.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- With reduced food absorption, the patient needs to take vitamins for the minimum life.

After gastric bypass surgery

After the operation, the patient begins to notice the results that he begins to feel, including “rapid weight loss along with long-term weight control, and improvement of obesity-related problems such as high pressure and type 2 diabetes, especially with weight loss, low sugar levels begin to occur in blood in patients with type 2 diabetes

Advantages of the Gastric bypass surgery 

- It helps to recover in large proportions from many diseases such as sugar, blood pressure or saturated fats in the body
- It is considered one of the easiest and safest operations to use the endoscope, as it does not cause pain at all and does not cause injury to the stomach wall.
- Helps the patient get rid of the feeling of hunger

Instructions and advice after the gastric bypass surgery 

- The patient should follow a new healthy diet: it is important after surgery to get adequate nutrition but in parallel with maintaining weight loss through:
- Eat and drink slowly
Eat a meal in up to 30 minutes to avoid dumping syndrome
- Wait 30 minutes before or after each meal to drink fluids.
- Eat small meals throughout the day, up to 6 meals a day, then reduce the number with a high ability to return to eating until returning again to eating 3 meals a day
- Drink fluids between meals to avoid dehydration at least (1.9 liters) of fluids per day
- Chewing food well to avoid intestinal obstruction in the event that food is not chewed and swallowed in the form of larger pieces of food. Vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Take small bites of food and chew it completely before swallowing.
- Focus on eating protein-rich foods
- Avoid foods high in fat and diabetes, as these foods travel quickly through the digestive system and cause dumping syndrome.
- Take the recommended nutritional supplement of vitamins and minerals. After surgery, your body may not be able to adequately absorb nutrients from your food.

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Egypt

تعد The cost of gastric bypass surgery is one of the procedures related to weight loss to a large extent, and its price depends on the surgical method in which it is performed, whether open surgery or laparoscopic bypass, and the cost is related to the experience and skill of the doctor who performs the operation.

Dr. Mohamed Tag El-Din is considered the best bariatric surgeon in Egypt. He is a consultant of bariatric and laparoscopic surgeries who provides the best necessary medical services for patients before and after the operation.

Dr Mohamed Tag
Bachelor of Medicine , Al-Azhar University offers very good with honors December 2003 master's degree (in science)

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